Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Yes, You CAN go home again...

So this is the house that I came home to after I was born. This is the home that I woke up in for the first 18 years of my life, until I went away to college. This is the home that I laughed, cried, played house and babies, dug in the dirt and made mudpies, played trucks, army men, cowboys and Indians, built treehouses and forts, played kickball with the neighborhood because we were the corner lot, played Barbie and played the piano for hours when everyone else was outside - ugh - I finally figured out how to record myself - then put the tape on, and sneak outside with the rest of the neighborhood kids. This is the house where I was picked up for my first date, my first prom, my driving lessons, and after that found the corvair parked in the driveway. This is the house where in the middle of the night on Jan. 10th - when I was only 14, my best friend's mom came in to wake me up, and tell me that my Daddy had died. This is the house where everyone hung out in junior high school. They kept hanging out in high school. This is a house that was full of love, family and fun times - where going to church was always one of the best parts of our lives. This was a house of "the wonder years", moms meeting for coffee in the mornings, neighbors gathering for funtimes together, heading to our elementary school for polio sugar cubes, sitting on our porches crying and talking about what had happened to President Kennedy, and wondering what would become of our country. It was at this house that we learned of the death of my cousin in VietNam. It was here that I learned the meaning of true family, extended family, Christian family - cousins, aunts, uncles - being with them and having fun with them, standing for what you believe no matter what the costs, and going the distance. I remember listening to my Daddy talking politics before I knew what that meant. I remember both of my parents studying to teach Sunday School. I learned the importance of being involved in what's going on all around you - not just sitting back and letting life happen to you. It was in this house at an age too early that I learned what real - deep to the gut grief was, it was here that I saw what losing the love of your life really means. It was in this house that I learned what I needed to know to be able to go away, live on my own, and begin my life as educator, wife, mother and friend. and now...it is sad to see someone else living there.


JeanMac said...

Touching post.

Unknown said...

If those walls could they would now reflect that same love you experienced to the ones who reside there now. I grew up in three houses but the first one I don't remember because we moved from there when I was only 2. I sometimes ride by the house I spent my Elementary days in and recently it was for sale. I was so tempted to buy it. We are blessed that we have good memories in the homes we grew up in. The last house I lived in with my parents that is the one my Mother died in. Thanks for sharing your story.
Love ya like a siesta! DD

annette said...

Wow, Kathy. So many parallels we have in our walk, and no doubt, it is what has made us who we are. Sweet, sweet post about the real stuff. Thanks for baring your heart. It touched mine today. Love, A

Connie Barris said...

I don't know but I just cried reading that...

Something about that and seeing it... just tugged at my heart strings....

i'm sorry that you lost your dad at such a young age.. I can't imagine....

thank you for sharing it..


Michael and Christina said...

Thanks for you constant prayers. This has been a time of really clinging to the Lord; I don't know that I've ever done that before. Not depressing or sad but purposeful. I appreciate your prayers as I hang in there and hang on to Christ and wait to see what He has in store.

BTW - Haddie is a yellow lab. I'm guessing Robert and Kaiti have a German short-haired pointer - that's what Michael thinks he wants next. Next?!

Michael and Christina said...

I was going to try to come by myself even though I didn't want to go without Michael, but my boss was already taking that week off, so no, neither one of us will be able to come :(

annette said...

You okay? I miss hearing from you.

Rachelsonamission said...

Wow that is so strange! Yes I love her music.
I will dont worry!
And i can't wait to see Uncle Davids' either.

love you!

Angela Baylis said...

Hi Kathy!

So nice to meet you! I LOVE your blog! I will be back when I have a little more time to read more of your posts!

My son can't wait to get there! You better believe I will have a lot to learn about the south! There is one thing I know for sure and that is that there are SO many nice people there! I hope my son meets a sweet southern girl while he's there! :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Much love from a siesta in Michigan,
Angie xoxo

p.s. I loved hearing all of your memories! Good and not so good! :)

Anonymous said...

Where have you gone? How am I supposed to get my Florida blog fix? Come back Charleston YaYa. We need your thoughts.