Friday, October 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday, Thankful Thursday all rolled into one post!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh-tears. Pictures do say it all. I am so thankful for Robert's safe return. Nothing like hugging the neck of someone who is returned safely to you after they have been in harm's way. I wish there were words to express my gratitude to Robert and every one of the brave men and women who fight for us. Love you, Annette

Kathy said...

What a Wonderful Post!! A Picture speaks a Thousand Words!

Welcome Home!

I wish I had better words but I am speachless and tearful.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see these!! Thanks for sharing a very personal moment!

The scene is almost-identical to the spring in 1991 when Andy came home from Desert Storm; T.J. was the same age as Collin is now.

{hugs} to all!

Melinda and Hemphill family

Technonana said...

I know you are all thrilled to have Robert back!!! God is Good!!!

JeanMac said...

Oh, gosh, major goosebumps. All the pictures are beautiful but I love Dad and Baby.